Acupuncture has been around for thousands of years, its exact origin
is not known. Early cavemen may even have pressed sharp stones against
their body for relief. One legend has it being discovered by Chinese
warriors who were shot with arrows in battle and noticed that these
minor wounds relieved pain. Fortunately western medicine has discovered
its benefits. Acupuncture has been used for natural allergy relief by
many who suffer from chronic allergies. Acupuncture is based on ying and
yang and the goal of acupuncture is to try and restore balance to the
Patients who are looking into acupuncture for the first time
will be surprised at the different types of acupuncture available to
them. There are different forms of acupuncture that use different
needles and work on various parts of the body. Acupuncture can be done
entirely on a very small area of the body like the big toe. Where ever
the meridians criss cross there is a point that the bodies energy or Qi
can be adjusted.
Natural allergy relief can come from removing
blockages and build ups of energy so that the immune system can function
normally. As a form of natural allergy relief acupuncture can work well
and in synergy with either Chinese herbal treatment or traditional
western medicine. There are very few side effects associated with
acupuncture, most common is the patient feels drowsiness after
treatment. This is viewed as a positive sign that the treatment is
working. On rare occasions there can be some bruising and a few drops of
bloods but most patients find it pain free and experience very little
discomfort. Sessions generally last between 20 and 40 minutes. It will
take several sessions to make inroads against a serious chronic allergy
so don't expect a miracle one session cure. If you do not see any
improvement after a reasonable amount of time you may want to try a
different type of acupuncture or another acupuncturist.
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