Natural relief of allergy symptoms
The modern response to symptoms of all sorts is an immediate quest for a multi-ingredient, shotgun-style cure all. A better idea is to give our own defense mechanisms a chance to work. Home-based allergy relief aids our body's built-in healing ability. Diet and environment become more important in this holistic view, and chemical 'tweaks' by way of drugs are eliminated or reduced.
Our bodies have a great way of communicating needs to us. We respond by eating to combat hunger and drinking to relieve thirst. Handling allergies at home requires the same attentiveness - we have to be aware of physical messages in the same way. It doesn't just start with the sniffles. Prevention with anti-oxidants and a healthy lifestyle are also important.
Too often the basics are overlooked. When you are sick, don't simply ignore it. Rest and increased fluid intake mean a lot. Don't assume you can handle the normal daily stresses and workload. Your body needs a chance to heal, even with home remedies. And home remedies are cheaper and right there in your kitchen.
Remember simple chicken soup for a cold? The hot soup vapors help clear congested sinuses and the nutrition boosts your body's resources. Add to this the simple goodness of a bowl of hot soup eaten slowly - what a great way to relax! This is an element lacking in commercial medications - the 'taking care of myself' part is missing.
Foods used for allergy relief
When added to the diet before an allergic crisis hits, these foods can lessen the frequency and duration of allergies. For seasonal allergies, these are ideal:
• Green tea - the anti-histamines and anti-oxidants in green tea act as both a preventative and a treatment. Inhale the steam for added benefits.
• Raw Honey - Locally harvested honey contains small amounts of that area's allergens that can help build immunity when you exposed to the airborne versions. Honey is also a good source of non-processed sugars - add a little sweetness to your life! It can be mixed with all sorts of foods to replace refined sugars.
• Ginger tea - Ginger root can be boiled in water to make a tea of various strengths. Ginger is a good natural decongestant. Of course, sweeten with honey to taste.
• Fresh fruits - by increasing fresh fruits, you help replace fluids and vitamins your body uses up when fighting off an allergy.
Other tips
Home remedies for allergies are not just about diet. Your environment is something you should also pay close attention to. Air purification is important if you are allergic to pollen, dust and other airborne substances. Even if you can't avoid going outside or exposure to allergens, air purification still helps during sleep or when inside. Breathing allergen-free air will reduce symptoms and give your body a chance to bounce back from the day's exposure. You should also start using some of the home remedies above as soon as symptoms appear.
• Allergy headaches - Stretching or yoga can help lower stress levels and help your breathing, while keeping the pressures of the day from growing into a stronger headache. Massage is also wonderful.
• Increase fluids - Water losses are increased with allergies from the runny nose, sinus drainage and nose blowing. Without replacing this loss, you run the risk of dehydration that will extend the episode and lead to other problems, like headaches.
• Mild exercise - Limited exercise helps get you out of bed and keeps you from that downward cycle of 'blah'. Walking in the sunshine is one of the best natural mood enhancers. Pick a day when pollen isn't blowing around on the wind. But even if you have to stay inside, a short walk around the house can help.
• When you drive, keep the windows rolled up. This will help keep dust and pollen out of the car. Some people go so far as to have a light jacket for outside wear that they remove on entering the house to keep allergens out of their homes.
• Wash hands, clothes and hair regularly to keep from re-exposing yourself to the same allergens over and over.
• Use an air purifier, and leave it on to purify household air when you are away. Sometimes, you can create a kind of 'clean room' that will give you relief from exposure. Filters should be replaced before allergy season starts and again when pollen counts fall off.
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