Thursday, April 23, 2015

Critical Information About Allergy Relief

Because allergies affect people from all walks of life, the search for the most effective allergy relief has been and continues to be a major concern for medical researchers across the globe. The symptoms of an allergic reaction can range from irritating to life-threatening, so getting the right treatment is essential. Fortunately, many different kinds of treatment exist for relieving these terrible conditions. Allergy relief is an important issue for a large segment of the world's population.

Regardless of whether a person suffers from mild allergies that cause irritation and discomfort or more severe conditions that are either debilitating or potentially life-threatening, relieving the symptoms of allergies is always a top priority. The fact that there are so many therapy options available is welcome news to patients everywhere.

Recognizing the symptoms
Symptoms of an allergic reaction can vary dramatically from person to person. Some suffer from runny noses and aching throats that often resemble the symptoms of the common cold. Others experience chest and sinus congestion, as well as more severe difficulties with breathing. The most severe symptoms can involve extreme shock and even death.
As one might expect with such a wide range of symptoms, there is an equally broad range of allergens involved. Seasonal allergens are among the most common and include pollen and other substances that tend to pose the biggest threat during the spring and then later in the year. Dust mites, pet dander, and other common substances that are always present form a second tier of allergies, while food and other rarer allergies comprise most of the remaining types.
Staying away from the triggers
Every treatment plan for allergies begins with avoidance. Patients should take every opportunity to stay away from the allergens that affect them. For those with seasonal allergies, this means staying indoors during times when the pollen and other allergen count is the highest. Food allergies should be given particular attention by patients, since many allergic reactions to food products can result in shock and death. People who are allergic to dust and similar indoor substances should strive to maintain a clean living environment at all time.

In addition to avoiding the common allergens, patients can also seek symptom relieving products at their local pharmacies. Most are antihistamine based, and designed to suppress the histamine that the body releases in response to allergens. Decongestant products can be helpful to improve breathing, while various nasal sprays can help to limit any inflammation. Many of these medications can cause drowsiness.

Injections for improved immunity
Another popular treatment involves the use of injections to help a patient build up some tolerance to various allergens. This method of therapy usually involves an injection being provided once or twice a week. Over the course of many months, the patient will often report a diminishing number of allergic reactions and lessened symptoms when reactions do occur.

The natural way
There are many herbal and other natural remedies that have been used over the years as well. Various plant extracts, as well as honey, have long been credited with being able to alleviate the worst effects of allergies. Many people with minor allergic conditions utilize these natural remedies to avoid more costly and complex treatment methods.

The fact is that no one should have to go through life with watery eyes, a sore throat, or any of the other symptoms of allergies. The right treatment can get rid of that discomfort and allow the patient to enjoy normal health again. The key to enjoying real allergy relief, therefore, requires finding the perfect therapy method for any patient's particular condition.

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Friday, April 17, 2015

Allergy Relief Can Come From The Garden

One minute you are having fun in nature's garden and in an instant you are surprised to find yourself sneezing and you feel your eyes turning all scratchy and watery. What has happened, is that your immune system has kicked into action in response to the onslaught of allergens. That is when you need allergy relief.

Allergies can also affect your mood. Depression apparently may be a side-effect. A recent study found that an increase in the suicide rate in some places coincides with an increase in pollen levels.
Scientists state that allergic reactions are triggered by a combination of minute substances in our surroundings. Our genes determine how we will react to them. Pollen, spores, pet dander and dust mites as well as food and drugs can set off a reaction in susceptible people.

One way to fight the uncomfortable symptoms of allergic reactions is through the use of medicine such as antihistamine and nasal decongestant. Many of us feel that old fashioned natural remedies are still the best. There are many leaves and plants in nature that has proved themselves through the years to be good fighters.

Eucalyptus is probably the best known natural decongestant. It is an ingredient in cold and flu medicine. Garlic does the same job. For a tight chest and blocked nasal passages take horseradish and you may be on your way to feeling better soon. Some people believe eating honey is the sweet way to take care of the red-eyes and itching throat. According to them eating a teaspoon a day keeps the pollen at bay. Stick with this remedy until the sniffle season is over. Stinging nettle is good to stop a running nose. A dried extract from this plant's leaves can be bought as capsules from your local chemist. Stinging Nettle can be a powerful antioxidant and contains chlorophyll, vitamin C and iron.

Nature also has very small allergy-fighters called probiotics. They are live micro-organisms, mostly bacteria not unlike the beneficial ones found in our stomachs. Probiotics are found in food or may be bought in pill-form. Natural yogurt is one inexpensive source of these mini soldiers. They go on the attack when the immune system detects nasty intruders like dust mites, pet dander and mold spores.

Many allergy medicines are available without a prescription. However in treating allergies it is advisable to first have your doctor do a test to determine what exactly you are reacting to. Some over the counter medications are antihistamines. They can be extremely helpful in spite of a few possible side effects, namely drowsiness. Leukotriene modifiers and homeopathic remedies also play an import role in managing allergies. Homeopathic remedies are also very helpful.

In that time of the year when pollens rule, or if the bites of dust mites have you itching and sneezing, reach for allergy relief. Help is available. Sometimes you may even find it in your garden.

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Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Cheap Allergy Relief

It just plain sucks to have allergies. People that do not have them will never understand your suffering. Allergies can be expensive to deal with if you need all the tests, injections or sinus surgery. Here are a few tips to get some basic relief from allergy symptoms that will not cost the price of surgery.

Got health insurance? Then you are in good shape. Go see a doctor that takes the insurance. Ask friends and colleagues if they know of a good one. Some doctors know about allergies and some not so much. If you can find the right one, they can do more than just give you a prescription. The doctor might offer some helpful tips. Many doctors are in tune with natural herbal remedies that can relieve many allergy symptoms. If you have insurance, this will be cheap. Ten bucks for a co-pay and then the cost of the herbal mixtures.

If you do not have insurance, we can work around it. Over-the-counter products are much cheaper than getting a prescription without insurance. The generic labeled brands will be inexpensive. I remember when I had to get a prescription for Claritin. Now I can buy Claritin over-the-counter or buy a generic called Loratadine. Same ingredient is in both but the Loratadine costs less.

To narrow the choices down of what over-the-counter medication to try, use reviews that can be found on the Internet. Find out what is working for other people. Use this tool to see what meds are getting results for people. Some products work well for some and not for others. Some allergy meds have side effects that can be a drag for some people and not so for others. If you have specific sensitivity to certain drugs, be sure to make note of that. For example, I cannot take Benadryl. It just knocks me out. Often people discussing online the different allergy medications will have similar reactions to what you might have. Reading drug reviews and people's stories saves you from spending needless money on products that may not work. Obviously, be certain to examine all caution labeling before trying an over-the-counter allergy tablet.

Clean your home as much as possible. There are some individuals who are allergic to mold and large amount of dust. If you are one of those individuals, you may find it difficult to clean your home. Although not necessarily affordable, you may also want to consider using a professional house cleaner. We hired someone to come in once every two weeks for $60. One of the best investments we have ever made. House is cleaner more often than not and my allergies are much less frightful.

Sometimes to solve an allergy problem you must remove the allergen. If you are a pet owner, this could be tough. Many people are highly allergic to pet hair and dander. However, you probably should not have bought the pet in the first place if you are allergic to them. (Sorry but you should have checked on that first before you bought the critter. That's what happened to me. Okay, so I did not know I was allergic either. Krispy, my cat, had to go to my brother's house because of my allergies.) If you won't do that, then you must limit the time you spend in contact with the animal. You will also need to keep constantly keep the hair and dander vacuumed up. We recommend you get a mask too since when vacuuming the hair can become airborne. 3M makes some good masks that can also be worn while doing yard work if have allergy problems there as well. Sorry but kitty or doggie can no longer sleep with you on your bed either. Unless you want to be miserable because they can help you with that if you like.

Many people claim to get relief from different green teas. Some green teas are said to have natural antihistamine properties in them. Go online, check, and see which ones people like the best and try those. I personally think that the relief from green tea has more to do with the calming and soothing effect of drinking something warm. If part of your allergy symptoms is a dry sore throat, drinking something warm feels pretty good. I like drinking Yerba Mate with lemon more than I like green tea. Yerba Mate is said to be good for you and boost energy levels. If you are like me, allergies and wipe you out good and make you just want to sleep all-day. Yerba Mate keeps me from feeling like that.

I mostly get a stuffed up nose and sinus infections when my allergies hit me. Some people get
watery eyes while others sneeze a lot. Some people get hives, which has only happened to me once. That takes some extra work to deal with that symptom. Just like when you get chicken pox you need to soak in an oatmeal bath to beat back hives. Luckily, oatmeal is cheap and works great to soothe and relieve the itching. You can bathe in it, which I think is best or you can apply it directly to your skin after you have boiled it.

I encourage you to try these choices if you are suffering from allergies and need relief. The above steps are a lot cheaper than weekly allergy injections and scratch testing. And much cheaper and less painful than sinus surgery too.

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